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California Insurance App

4.4 ( 7024 ratings )
الأعمال التجارية الإنتاجية
المطور: California Insurance Ltd.

加洲保險憑藉引入保險科技,配合一貫與客戶同心同行的精神,我們將推展數碼平台為客戶提供方便 (Convenient),即時 (Instant) 並貼心 (Caring) 的服務,務求成為客戶心目中最理想的保險夥伴。
檢閱保單: 收取保單,隨時隨地查看保單內容
更改資料: 更改家傭或更新家傭資料,方便快捷
提交索償: 於程式上提交索償申請及查閱索償狀況

By incorporating Insurtech with the consistence of customer-centric principles, California will transform to the new stage of Digital platform to provide with our valued customer the power of Convenience, Instant handling with great Care.
The brand new Californias Overseas Helper Insurance Digital Version mobile app users could enjoy the following services:
Policy Checking: Receiving policy and check your policy details at anytime and anywhere.
Update information: Hazzle- free unlimited changes of helpers’ information.
File a claim: Claim submission and check the update claim status.